In 2021, KAPORAL joins the Business for Climate Convention and becomes a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and opens the reflection on the evolution of a sustainable and durable business model. We have chosen to contribute to four United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Our priority SDGs.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

To ensure that quality education is equitable for all and to promote lifelong learning opportunities.

Establish sustainable consumption and production patterns. Understand the interconnections between personal and collective decisions and perceive the impacts of our respective behaviour.

Take urgent action to address climate change and its impacts.

To conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
If we want to "Dress the generations that want to change the world" it is because we always look to the future and believe that change will come from the younger generation. This is why we have chosen to commit ourselves to education, equal opportunities and support for young creators. We ensure that everyone has the opportunity to receive a quality education under fair conditions and promote lifelong learning opportunities.
13’ATIPIK association.
Workshop for integration through clothing.
The association proposes to re-mobilise and energise people involved in a professional integration programme. Its objective is to enable unemployed people with particular social and professional difficulties to benefit from work contracts.
Since 2018, we entrust the manufacture of our 100% upcycled designer collections to the artisans of 13'Atipik.

SKOLA project
Supporting education and professional integration.
The Skola project, the "boutique-school" that we support in Marseille, Lille and Reunion Island in partnership with Les Apprentis d'Auteuil, enables young people who have dropped out of school and are in need of professional integration to learn the retail trades in fashion.

The Télémaque programme
Equal opportunities
By joining the Télémaque programme, Kaporal promotes equal opportunities in education from secondary school onwards by supporting young people from modest backgrounds who are deserving and motivated through a double "company-school" sponsorship. The aim is to enable the young people being tutored to continue their secondary studies later on.
Fask Academy.
The School of Textile Production
Because our mission is also to (re)develop the knowledge and know-how of our fashion industry, we have joined the governance of the Fask Academy, the first production school for the fashion industry in Marseille to be certified by the National Federation of Production Schools (FNEP)

The gender equality index.
Kaporal reaches 80 points out of 100
Introduced by the Law "for the freedom to choose one's professional future", the Professional Equality Index between women and men was designed to put an end to inequalities in the world of work.
At Kaporal, we believe that diversity and opportunities are open to all our talents. This score reflects the actions carried out with particular attention paid to the subjects of gender diversity, equal pay and the promotion of women in our company and within our shops. In general, diversity is a strong commitment for our company. By fighting against discrimination, whatever it may be, Kaporal is committed to overcoming stereotypes and to hiring and promoting employees from different backgrounds, a source of wealth and productivity.

To find out more about the M/F Equality Index, go to: (https://www.kaporal.com/en_fr/index-egalite)
The points are distributed as follows:
Gender pay gap (40/40 points)
Differences in pay rises between women and men (10/20 points)
Differences in the distribution of promotions between women and men (10/15 points)
Percentage of female employees receiving a raise after maternity (15/15 points)
Gender parity among the 10 highest paid (5/10 points)
To go further:
In order to achieve a score of 85/100 by 2023, Kaporal has made the following commitments in its gender equality action plan:
- Indicator concerning the highest salaries: We are aware that the proportion of women in the executive population is too low (18%), the company has made a commitment, on a temporary basis, and with equal skills, in the event of recruitment of an executive to give priority to female candidates.
- Indicator concerning gaps in individual increases and promotions: Establishment of a career committee in 2023 to ensure that each employee's development is similar, based on skills only.

Plan care.
A responsible company.
Montée en compétences au siège
• 108 employees trained
• Over 650 hours of training
• 17 different themes
Malakoff Human Health Barometer: virtual workshops on well-being, stress management, physical activity, smoking and addictions.

Implementation of teleworking in order to reconcile professional and personal life. A carbon impact of less than 711 kg of CO2 per employee for 2 days of teleworking.
Supporting teams in a still difficult post-covid period
Mission HandiKap
Disability policy with the creation of Mission HandiKap.

Supporting teams in a still difficult post-covid period
Mission HandiKap
Disability policy with the creation of Mission HandiKap.
Implementation of teleworking in order to reconcile professional and personal life. A carbon impact of less than 711 kg of CO2 per employee for 2 days of teleworking.
Malakoff Human Health Barometer: virtual workshops on well-being, stress management, physical activity, smoking and addictions.
Montée en compétences au siège
• 108 employees trained
• Over 650 hours of training
• 17 different themes