Equality Index

What is the Index?

The Index for Professional Equality Between Men and Women was a new measure under France's law "for the freedom to choose one's professional future" and aims to end inequality between men and women in the workplace.
Businesses with at least 1000 staff have had to publish their Index score since 1 March 2019. This has also applied to companies with at least 250 employees from 1 September 2019 and to those with at least 50 staff since 1 March 2020.
The Index is calculated out of 100 points, with five indicators:
  • Salary gap between men and women (40 points)
  • Increase gap between men and women (20 points)
  • Promotion distribution gap between men and women (15 points)
  • Percentage increase after maternity leave (15 points)
  • Parity between the 10 men and women on the highest salaries (10 points)
Businesses achieving under 75 points have three years to introduce measures to increase their score above 75. If they fail, they may be given a penalty equivalent to up to 1% of their wage bill.

Kaporal has achieved a score of 80.

The points are distributed as follows:
  • Salary gap between men and women (40 points)
  • Increase gap between men and women (5 points)
  • Promotion distribution gap between men and women (15 points)
  • Percentage increase after maternity leave (15 points)
  • Parity between the 10 men and women on the highest salaries (5 points)
At Kaporal, we believe in diversity and are open-minded towards all our talent. Our score reflects our initiatives in this area, with a particular focus on diversity, equal pay and promoting women at our offices and in stores. We are highly committed to diversity in general. By combatting all forms of discrimination, Kaporal aims to challenge stereotypes, and hire and promote staff with diverse backgrounds as a source of breadth and productivity.